Thursday, May 8, 2008

Struts 2 Book -- Struts 2 in Action

I'm pleased to announce the publication of Struts 2 in Action, by Manning Publications, Inc. As one of the co-authors of this fine book, I'd like to recommend it to everyone. If you feel compelled, you can conveniently purchase the book via the link on the sidebar of this blog.

I'd summarize the book as follows. This is a complete introduction to Struts 2 that spares no details. If you read this book you will be able to go from zero to full speed. Most importantly, full speed will include an indepth understanding of how the framework works. We made sure to include full descriptions and analysis of all key components of the framework. Reading this book will give you the confidence and know-how to not only accomplish your daily development tasks but to take on such advanced tasks as customizing core componentry and building your own plug-ins.

Additionally, we threw in some popular topics like Spring and Hibernate integration, which are great. But, ultimately, I think the hallmark of this book is an indepth introduction that goes all the way on the details. If you read the book, please give us some feedback either in the Manning forums or as a comment on this blog. Enjoy!

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