Sunday, February 22, 2009

ApacheCon Europe Struts 2 Training Podcast

The folks at FeatherCast have just interviewed me about my training at the upcoming ApacheCon Europe. FeatherCast is the "unofficial podcast from the world of the Apache Software Foundation". Thanks are due to them for taking the time to interview the trainers who will be at ApacheCon Europe. I think this gives potential attendees an effective way of evaluating the training sessions and instructors.

My training session? In Amsterdam, I'll be doing a one day training on creating Ajax applications with Struts 2. Rather than go into all the gory details here, I suggest you pop over to FeatherCast and listen to the interview. It's about five minutes long, and it should give you a pretty good idea about whether the training is right for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stellar interview, Chad. Wish I could have been in your training class! Super interesting.